
Welcome to the 4-Steps to TIME Shifting - Making time for the things that really matter!

This program is designed to progressively build the necessary personal systems, processes, and habits, over six one-hour self-paced concept and application workshops (plus one bonus workshop) that will help you get organized, stay on top of your priorities, and reduce your stress!

TIME Shifting (Self-paced) is comprised of a series of live video recordings of each of the workshops. This is perfect for those that want to learn at their own pace and at times that work best for them. HPL also separately offers a live version of the program throughout the year.

Each workshop will provide the core concepts followed by detailed how-to step-by-step "actions" necessary to apply and put the concepts immediately into practice. Participant leaders are responsible for following the action steps between each workshop to build and implement their personalized system to get control and sustain it.

You will get out of this program what you put in! To maximize the benefit of this program, you will need to apply as many of the processes and tips as possible, which takes time. Consider this an investment. It will take effort and time to set-up and get organized; however, this is a one-time investment. Once the systems and processes are established, you will begin to create habits that will sustain these systems. Once the habits form, you will notice a significant difference in your everyday life!

I have successfully practiced these methods in various executive leadership positions throughout my career. They work!



4-Steps to Time Shifting - Self-Paced - Curriculum.pdf
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